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How Changing Jobs Affects Your Mortgage Loan Approval?

Taking on a new job can be exciting. But if getting a new gig happens to coincide with your plans to buy a home, it can affect your ability to get a mortgage—even if you make more money in your new job. When you apply for a home loan, lenders take a deep dive into your financial history, including your current employment, to see if you can handle monthly mortgage payments. ...

As 22-Year Mortgage Low Reports Put Home Affordability Under Scrutiny, Don’t Hit the Panic Button

Applications for mortgages to purchase homes plummeted 6.5% last week bringing us to 21% below the rates during the same period in 2021. We haven’t seen demand as low as it is now since 2000. That’s a 22-year low! What does this mean for you? Fair warning: at least 95% of this blog is going to sound like bad news for home affordability. But we promise, if you hold on until the end, ...

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When Should You Use a Counter Offer in Real Estate?

Real estate transactions are rarely simple, even when buyers see eye to eye. This is through no lack of trying on our part! As real estate agents, we use our expertise and an industry-spanning system to try to keep things as straightforward as possible. But when approaching the escrow process, there are often a few more details that need to be ironed out. This is where counter offers come ...

In a Hurry to Find Your Dream Home? Then You Need Off-Market Properties

In Los Angeles, we’re still enjoying a housing market where homes can feasibly spend less than a week on the market. But the market is tumultuous at the best of times. We recognize there’s an urgency to finding your dream home. Maybe you’re searching for your very first property. Maybe you’re ready for an upgrade. Or maybe your living situation has changed and you just n...

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Denied Financing? Here’s How a Savvy Agent Can Help You in Your Home Loan Pre Approval Process

Maybe you just found your dream home. Or maybe you just realized that the living situation that’s worked for you in the past isn’t cutting it today. It’s all good until that dreaded moment when you seek home loan pre approval… only to get denied. Where can you go from here? Ten times out of ten, we’d tell you to talk with a compassionate real estate agent. You kno...